Ogimura Takashi Special Prize
- Yasunobu Nagata
- [Nippon Medical School Hospital Department of Hematology, Assistant Professor]
- “Overcoming BCL-2 inhibitor-vesistant leukemoa by elucidating the molecular meclacism of anti apoptotic switching. .”
Takaku Fumimaro Award
- Kazumasa Aoyama
- [Faculty of Phamacy, Keio University, Division of hygienic Chemistry・Assistant Professor]
- “identification of drug targets for EZH2 Loss-of-Function Myelodysplastic Syndromes”
TS Alfresa Award
- Takuji Yamauchi
- [Kyushu University hospital, Department of medire and Biosystenic、Assistant Professor]
- “Development of new therapy using BCL2 inhibitor in AML theory”
Shimizu Yasunobu Award
- Kohichi Kawahara
- [Graduate School of Medical and Dental Science Kagoshima Univ, Associate Professor Deprtmant of Molecular Oncology]
- “Molecuar-Targeted therapy of Pediatrics Leukemia by Activating the P53 Pathway aimed at Personalized Mwdicine.”
Credit Saison Award
- Yoshio Katayama
- [Kobe University Hospital ,Hematology・Junor Associate Professor]
- “ Lipid mediator profile aged bone marrow and its application to control myeloproiferative disorder.”
Ide Yukiko Award
- Yasushige Kamimura
- [Yokohama City University Graduate School of Medic,Department of Stem Cell and Lmmune Requlation]
- “New therapoutiic approach for Myelodysplatic Syudromes bascd on dysvequlation of serotonin metabolism.”
Special Award --- Clinical Medicine Special Award(In no particular order)
- Takahiro Kamiya
- [Deportment of Medicine, Keio University School of Medicine, Division of Hematology/Assistant purofessor ]
- “Unraveling the heterogeneity of multiple myeloma identies therapy-resistant subpopulation with vulnerability to the splicing pathury intervention..”
- Daisuke Hasegawa
- [St. Luke's International Hospital Department of pediatrics ,chief of Staff ]
- “Establishiment of novel risk-Stratified therapy with azacitidine for myeloid leukemia with Down syndrome.”
General Research Award(In no particular order)
- Genki Yamato
- [Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Assistant Professor ]
- “Genome-wide DNA methylaton analysis in pediatric acute myeloid leukemia.”
- Dai Keino
- [Kanagawa children’s Medical Center, Division of Hematology / oncology diretor ]
- “Study of the proper use of second-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitor in the treatment of children with chronic and accelerated phase chroric myeloid leukemia.”
- Yosuke Masamoto
- [The University of Tokyo Hospital,Depaertment of Cell therapy snd tramsplantation Associate Professor ]
- “Development of a therapy targeting the immunopathology of EVI1-high acua myeloid leukemia.”
- Hiroko Nishida
- [Keio University School of Mediciul、Cell and tissul Biology.Lecturer ]
- “Development of novel CD26-targeting chimeric antigen receptor(CAR)-T Cell tharapy for relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma.”
Research award for young researchers(In no particular order)
- Joji Nagasaki
- [Departmant of Hematology,Osaka Metropolitian University Graduate School of Medicine,Researcher]
- “Long effective GVL effect based on the memory differentiation of CD8+ Tcells in the relapsed AML patients after allo-HSCT.”
- Hisashi Ishida
- [Okayama University Hospital,Department of Padictrics, Assistant professor]
- “Melecular and cytogevetic analysis of pediatvic chvovic wyeloid leukemia.”
- Tatsuya Konishi
- [Ehime University Hospital,Division of Blood Transfusion and Cell Therapy ,Assistant professor ]
- “Development of a novel treatment for graft-verasus-host disease by modulating the local immune environment with bispecific antibodies.”
- Teppei Sakoda
- [Kyushu University Hospital,Department of Hematology,oncology and Cardiovascular medicine ,assistant proffsor]
- “Investigating the Latent Mechanisms During the Remission Phase in TIM-3-positive Acute Myeloid Leukemia Stem Cells .”
Mainichi Award
- Hirotoshi Sakaguchi
- [Department of Transplantation and Cell Therapy, Children’s Cancer Center ,
National Center for Child Healsh and Development, Head]
- “A study onestablishiment of maintenacace therapy after allogeneic hematopoietic cell tuansplautation for relapsed / refvacto CD19-positive B-cell arcvte lymphoblastic leukemia in children and young adults.”
Kobayashi Noboru Award
- Kenich Sakamoto
- [Shinshu University School of Medicine, Depatoment of Pediatrics,Assistant professor ]
- “Establorshment of risk stratified for EBV-HLH and design of a prospective observational study the development of new treatent for EBV-HLH .”
Award Recipient List of 2024-13